

  • Orders are generally processed within 2-3 business days (Monday-Friday).
  • Depending on your region, domestic shipping will arrive within 3-5 business days
  • Your tracking number will be sent to you when your order is ready to ship
  • Please double check all information prior to confirming your order. We aren't responsible for shipping to an incorrect location because of misspelled addresses, names, etc.


  • All items can be returned within 14 days of receiving them, please email about the request
  • All merchandise must be unwashed/unworn and are subject to inspection upon return in order to qualify
  • Please include a note within the return package stating exactly what you would like us to do when we receive your package so that the process can begin sooner (i.e. refund, exchange for ____ item in a size large, etc.)


  • We currently do not ship internationally. Please check back or subscribe to email updates regarding international shipping. 


  • MDRN ATHLETE is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. In the event the USPS loses/damages your order, you can contact them with your tracking number to get reimbursement. If package is stolen after delivery, there is no recourse. 

      Note: The shipping flat rate will be deducted from refunds.